Evolving careers.

Extraordinary lives.

Essential conversations.

Your life is sophisticated and complex when you provide services to other people and businesses.

The professional layers and personal matters can intertwine and it becomes complicated.

Your success, as a professional and as a person, hinges on gaining clarity and focus in order to move forward.

Executives, Senior Professionals, and Entrepreneurs

What is The Inner Advocate®?

The Inner Advocate® was founded by international lawyer turned executive coach, Lora McInturf, Esq., LL.M. (PCC/ICF). For almost 20 years, she has been a lawyer and expat working and/or living abroad in countries on four continents (North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa).

Lora has converted these years of personal and professional experience abroad into offering essential conversations to other successful professionals who are oftentimes living internationally. Conversations with Lora support lawyers and other successful professionals to get clearer, stay focused, and act decisively on their journeys. Start your conversation today.

Clarity - Focus - Decisive Action

Get clearer on your set of circumstances and potential.

Find more focus toward your ultimate goal.

Take decisive action on your next steps.